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Definition And Meaning

Resigned: Understanding the Meaning, Pronunciation, and Examples

Definition and Meaning

The verb "resign" means to give up or step down from a position, office, or job voluntarily. It implies a sense of acceptance or submission to a particular situation or circumstance.


The pronunciation of "resign" is /rɪˈzaɪn/.

Examples in English

  1. The CEO resigned from his position after the company faced severe financial losses.
  2. The Prime Minister resigned amidst allegations of corruption.
  3. She resigned from her job to pursue a career in writing.

Examples in German

  1. Der CEO trat nach schweren finanziellen Verlusten von seinem Amt zurück.
  2. Der Premierminister trat unter Korruptionsvorwürfen zurück.
  3. Sie gab ihren Job auf, um eine Karriere als Schriftstellerin zu verfolgen.
